Saturday, June 9, 2012

Zombie Survival Tip 7

In this last zombie survial tip, I want to give the recipe for making your own Zombie repellant.  This is referenced within the play, but I thought it would be nice if the recipe was out there in case people want to make this for themselves.

This is what you need:


3-5 pounds of rotten meat. 

This can be easly gotten by going to your nearest grocery store and picking up meat that is just about the expire and keeping it outside in the boiling sun for a few days.  the juicier the meat, the better

2-3 cups of animal blood

If at all possible, do not kill your favorite puppy or kitten to get this blood.  Ask your local butcher to save you the run-off from the butchering.  If they cannot do that, then go to a local pet store and drain the blood from a puppy or kitten.  Make children are not anywhere near where you are because they will hate you and call you a psychopath forever.

1 cup of whole peppercorns
1 bucket to contain the above ingredients
1 plaid shirt, preferably last year's style


1. Add into the bucket the rotten meat and animal blood.  Stir till all parts of the rotten meat have been covered by the animal blood.

2. Add the peppercorns, making certain to sprinkle liberally.  There is disagreement within the Zombie slaying community over the need for ground pepper or whole peppercorns.  I am going traditional with the whole peppercorns.

3. Dunk the plaid shirt into the bucket, making certain to spread the mixture throughly onto the shirt.  The plaid coloring should give way to the blood coloring.

4. Remove from the bucket and hang up to let excess blood and guts drip off of shirt.  This should take about an hour.

5. You are ready to use your shirt.  Be certain to put some of the blood and guts mixture into a spray bottle to moisten yourself occasionally.  You can test whether it works by entering into a pack of Zombies and see what happens.

PLEASE NOTE:  The author of this blog is not responsible for the ineffectiveness of the Zombie Repellant Shirt should your meat/blood mixture is too fresh.  Otherwise you have made yourself into a walking Zombie Smorgasbord--and that is not a good thing.

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