Saturday, June 9, 2012

Interview with Derek Evans (Tyler)

Part of my plan for this blog was to showcase each of the principles in the show with a mini interview.  Owing to Chris's work commitments and Emily's final exams, the only one of the principle cast that was able to provide an interview was Derek Evans (Tyler).  Below are some questions and his responses.

Describe your character Tyler to the readers.  What motivaties the man?

Tyler is a very loving person who likes to help. At the beginning of the play he is motivated by finding a cure but once the project is shut down he is motivated by his love for his friend Steve and helping him.

Tyler and Steve have an interesting dynamic going throughout this play, since Tyler is the main person Steve talks to as he is figuring out how to save Cassie.  Explain their relationship.

Tyler and Steve are very comfortable with each other. They're best friends from my point of view.

As a source of comic relief, Tyler also has a scene where he laments drinking the only beer left in Los Angles, Michelob Ultra Pomegranate Raspberry.  As part of the rehearsal process, you got a chance to sample this beer.  As a beer drinker, what was your opinion?

Is it wrong to say that I sort of liked it? Haha No but seriously it was interesting. It surely isn't the worst beer that has ever been made but it's not on my list of favorites.

It is unclear during Tyler's last scene what happens to him.  What do you think happened to him?  Did he get out of Los Angeles alive?

After Tyler loses signal he heads to Kansas City to be with his wife Marie. Over the next few weeks he tries to reach Steve but can't. He doesn't ever give up hope that Steve made it out alive but he doesn't know either.

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